After only four years into my advertising career, I found myself feeling unused. What I do I mean by unused? I mean feeling like my best skills weren’t being utilised. Sure I was managing multiple clients, projects, staff and even timezones, but I never quite felt I was doing enough for my personal growth.
I studied an integrated communications degree and with that meant I had integrated skills and knowledge that I was bursting to share. But much like many industries, roles are streamlined and fit for the business needs leaving your character defining qualities hidden away. So the question is, do you keep developing through the job specifications set for you, or do you find somewhere that fits the job specification around you? Spoiler alert….it’s the latter. In this article I’m going to take you through 5 reasons why joining a start up has changed my life and why it might be worth thinking about yours….
1) You throw yourself in the deep end
When I applied for a role with Mattr.Media I was initially applying for an account management role, but two Skype interviews down, combined with an optimistic “I can do anything” attitude, I was hired for not one, but two roles. I said I wanted a challenge and this was it. For the first time in my career, I’m in control of throwing myself into the deep end and I can honestly say, whilst it’s been a complete learning curve, I’m really glad I took the plunge.
2) Your skills are always valued (and used….a lot)
For the first two days of joining the business, we actually got to know each other. No, I don’t mean how I like my tea or coffee, or what university I went to, I mean going through endless questions and learning everything we needed to know to make working together as smooth as possible. From then on my skills, enthusiasm and dedication has been nothing but encouraged and appreciated. I’m finding myself growing skills I knew I had and unleashing skills that were yet to be discovered. It’s collaboration for business success.
3) No one day is the same
When a role becomes formulaic, it can be god awful. But the beauty of joining a smaller team is that very few opportunities are restricted. My role varies from thought leadership, new business strategy, creative ideation, production, networking and of course, being entertainment queen! I won’t deny that it takes more management and self motivation keep things ticking along but for me the excitement is not knowing what each day will hold and who I might meet along the way.
4) You learn about business much quicker
If like me you ever had a vision of setting up your own company, joining a start up is the best way to figure out if you’re cut out for it*. I can safely say I’ve learnt more business knowledge in nine months than I have during the rest of my career. When you’re not given projects on a plate, you start to learn more about the world of hustling. You're exposed to agency pressures and the reality of running a business (and It’s not bloody easy!). One thing it does do is set you up for reality, it teaches you the importance of grafting, connections and communications.
*FYI I’m still sitting on the fence!
5) You can help shape the future of a business
At the age of 25, I would never have dreamed that I could have an influence over the direction of the business I work for. All I’ve ever known is earning your stripes and racing to the top to get yourself heard. But having found a company that not only welcomes my suggestions but wants me to help live the vision of the company, I now know that you don’t have to climb the ladder to be part of business decisions, you’ve just got to find the right environment.
So if you’re considering leaving the corporate world behind and joining a start up business model, I say first do your homework and second go for it! It's not for the faint hearted, but it is for the people that want to embrace more than one role and have an appetite for being challenged. The most important thing to consider is making sure you share similar values with the business and the people in it, particularly if you're joining a smaller team. My advice would be find a way to integrate your interests and passions into a role and business you truly believe in. It’s your future to control!