1. A stunt that Mattr'd | Dixie Diners

Let's face it, we all hate that smart phones have ruined day to day interaction, like concerts, bus journeys and meals. Dixie Diners sort to end this plight for one weekend by finding phone signal and wifi dead spots, create pop up diners and let the casual conversation to begin. Stunts are cool man, more brands should be coming up with ways to force real world human interaction.  

2. A PSA that Mattr'd | KnowNo

All types of sexual assault is a topic of conversation that is increasingly making people aware of acceptable behaviour.  Enter KnowNo, an organisation who have created this eye opening PSA to highlight and address the plight of rape culture.      

3. A piece of branded content that Mattr'd | Oxford Notebooks

Heritage brands are holding no punches these days when it comes to video content - entering the ring now is Oxford Notebooks. SO much love for this branded piece of video that is basically a mini film. Check out this Cool Robot, who is trying to fit in at secondary school. I'd be his friend and pass him notes from my Oxford Notebook. 

4. A TV advert that Mattr'd | NHS

Amongst all the madness that is currently going on in the NHS, it's amazing to see such a prestigious and brilliant government service can kickass with their TV adverts. I'm sitting here wondering how the 'eck they got all these brands on board!

 5. A use of creativity that Mattr'd | Heineken

What a kickass way to flip an advert on it's head. Put it basically Heineken took their 2016 F1 sponsorship and used this opportunity to promote an anti-drink driving message as driving after drinking isn't cool; Did I mention Heineken is a drinks brand? What a ballsy and awesome move. Major kudos. 

Saw any awesome videos you think we should have included? Then drop us an email! We may be a London production agency but we are all ears for your opinions and suggestions and want to collaborate you! Make sure you sign up to our mailing list in the footer too!